Professional  Affiliations

  • Trademark Legislation Committee, American Bar Association (2011-present) 
  • Advisory Board, Intellectual Property Strategist Association (1995–present) 
  • Chair of Publications Board, International Trademark Association (1997-1999) 
  • Vice Chair, Publications Board, International Trademark Association (1995-1997) 
  • Planning Committee, International Trademark Association (1993-1994) 
  • Association of the Bar of the City of New York 
  • Board of Directors, Covenant House New York (1989-2017)
  • Board of Trustees, Lowell School (2009-2017)
  • Board of Trustees, The Field School (2017–present)


William G. Pecau has been providing legal advice concerning trade identity – trademarks, trade names, trade dress, domain names – copyrights, trade secrets, false advertising, and unfair competition for over 40 years.

Will’s work includes preparing and negotiating software, trademark, and other intellectual property agreements from the simple to the most complex, such as merger and acquisition intellectual property and marketing agreements and software contracts. I also counsel clients concerning various issues involving the protection, acquisition, and preservation of trademarks and other intellectual property. And, in the course of his career, he has been responsible for hundreds of court and administrative cases, including some of the largest intellectual property cases of their kind. Some examples are:

  • Representing BMG in the “trailblazing,” “huge victory,” “landmark ruling” case against Cox Communications that established the responsibility of an internet provider for the copyright infringing actions of its users.
  • Defended S.K. Hynix in a case brought by SanDisk claiming massive trade secret misappropriation.
  • Represented Nokia Siemens Networks in a trade secret action brought be Huawei Technologies to block the $1.1 billion sale of Motorola’s wireless network business to NSN.
  • Represented Clorox in an ITC case involving its CLOROX and PINE-SOL brands.
  • Represented the Federation of Swiss Watch Industry before the Federal Circuit asserting and defending its SWISS MADE certification marks.
  • Represented Regions Bank in a case against Regions University for trademark infringement.
  • Represented Texaco against Pennzoil-Quaker State preventing the registration of a clear bottle design.
  • Defended in Amazon’s 1-Click business method patent case
  • Defended Microsoft and Expedia against’s “Name Your Own Price” business method patent
  • Represented Hewlett-Packer’s inject technology, trademark, and unfair competition claims against NuKote International
  • Represented Hewlett-Packard in Apple’s graphical user interface case against Microsoft’s Windows and HP’s New Wave.

In all these legal matters, from bringing transactions to their completion to the spearpoint of litigation, Wil brings broad experience and deep common sense, and more, I bring imagination to effect a result beneficial to the client, whether it be the resolution of a logjam in a negotiation, a favorable settlement, or a good verdict.
